New look, new room, NEW APPAREL

Oh man. I love me some change. I reeeeally do but this year has been very overflowing with change. If you are local & visited my "Earring Room", you know how much I loved my girly, special space. Well, as our home has had to adjust to everyone being here ALL.THE.DAY, so have our spaces. That room was the only option for a work (quiet-ish...I mean really, 3 little boys here...quiet is an illusion) office for my husband so I needed a new space. I'm back where I first started this a little room that fits my desk perfectly, has shelves of snacks from Costco & is very easy to hide in with the door shut. They can't find me as easily, especially if I turn out the light in here...

So, I have been setting up this little room to get ready to open the store back up & I am SO close to ready. Fingers crossed that the product I am MOST excited about is ready's wearable & full of intention. Get ready!!!!!!!!!!!!